Diogo Puppim

Itaguaçu, ES · +55 (27) 9991910990 · diogopuppim@gmail.com

Master in computing from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), in the area of Artificial Intelligence, graduated in information system from the Centro Universitário do Espírito Santo (UNESC) and Technician in industrial automation from the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo (IFES)


Programming Languages & Tools
Extra skills / knowledge
  • Web scraping and web automation
  • APIs and web development, MongoDB
  • Image processing and computer vision
  • Machine learning and deep learning
  • Many Python packages – Flask, NumPy, matplotlib, Tensorflow, etc.




The startup has more than 700 partner establishments and more than 5,000 registered motorcycle couriers

jan 2020 - may 2020



In industrial environments it is essential to use robotics to provide an efficient and dynamic response to the demands of this sector. In particular, through the use of AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle), industrial robots for transporting materials in internal and external environments in the industrial sector. The performance of the established activities requires a system of sensing, navigation and control of the vehicle through the actuators. These systems can be represented by mathematical modeling and simulated, using specific software. The work aimed to represent the dynamics of AGV’s using the model of dynamics of the actuators of the vehicles that will be represented in a virtual environment modeled on Unity3D. To carry out the work he was an employer in the development in Python, Computer vision, openCV, C #, Mathematical Modeling, Unity 3D.

Mar 2016 - Mai 2018

For a detailed reference about this section, please visit this link.



Mestre em Ciência da Computação
The objective of the Graduate Program in Computer Science (PPG-CC) at UFSCar is to train highly qualified professionals who are able to work both in the academic career and in the job market. The PPG-CC's proposal regarding its performance in aspects of training and research is to comprehensively cover the major areas of computing, following the evolution of the state of the art and investing in research and teaching of current and innovative topics.

2016 - 2018

Centro Universitário do Espírito Santo

Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação
Develop programs, Design and develop applications for microcomputers and large computers; Propose plans and computerization systems in the company, Analyze costs, technical, economic and financial feasibility for the implementation of automation processes, Understand, analyze and introduce changes in companies' information processes Control the flow of information in the company through the creation of applications that facilitate this process

2011 - 2015

Community and social activity


COVID-19 Open Research Dataset Challenge (CORD-19)
We are issuing a call to action from the world's artificial intelligence experts to develop text and data mining tools that can help the medical community develop answers to high-priority scientific questions. We are issuing a call to action from the world's artificial intelligence experts to develop text and data mining tools that can help the medical community develop answers to high-priority scientific questions
Know more
September 2019 - Present

Talks & Workshops

Some of my most recent talks and workshops are...

  • Codenation Event site
    Programas de aceleração gratuitos para devs e cientistas de dados - dê o próximo passo da sua carreira e mostre seu potencial às empresas de tecnologia.
  • QuarentenaDados Event site
    Vamos juntos aprender análise exploratória, a importância de ter dados limpos e um pouco de machine learning. Tudo com Python e as principais bibliotecas que cientistas de dados precisam conhecer.


This section contains awesome projects that I've developed:

Static website

Static website

site em html5 com javascript

Requested by the company to create a static website with integration of the form with the company's email.

HTML5 JavaScript Bootstrap



Data cleaning with Streamlit

Generic data set cleaning and basic analysis.

Python Streamlit Machine Learning

Awards & Certifications

  • 2015 1º Lugar no Teste de Progresso, UNESC.
  • 2013 1º Lugar no Teste de Progresso, UNESC.

This Flask template was built with by Rodolfo Ferro, under a MIT License.